What would you do with a million dollars – every year?

What would you do with a million dollars – every single year? Not once, but every single year. That’s $83,333. every month. It’s mind boggling.

I am beginning to grasp the idea while working diligently this month on my network marketing business, doTERRA.

I’m in a two month training focused on getting our businesses off the ground. We are “launching” in July.

The training is being led by people making a million dollars a year – or more! In one case, she’s making three times that because she has this down so tight that she has achieved the top rank – and therefore the top pay – three times.

And all three accounts pay her every month.

Still. Over and over and over. Every month. Every year.

I am a working person. My collar is as blue as blue can get. We have been taught that work, work, and hard work is the way to live a righteous life. Good hard work makes you a good person.

Wwwweeelllll, come to find out, there’s good people that make a lot of money without working “hard”. Some work smart. Some work with courage. Some work with passion. Most of them don’t even think of it as work.

They make damn good money. And do you know what good people do with good money?

They do good things.

So I ask you – what good things would you do with a million dollars every single year?

Tell me in the comments. What good things would you do?

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